Sunday, January 25, 2015


The Lucky Liquor Co. is a cocktail bar in Edinburgh, Scotland known for being a little different than the average bar. One of their standout quirks is this light bulb glass used to serve drinks. The light bulb is the size of a standard household bulb with screw-base and all. The bulb is then placed in a coiled wired that comes to a flat circular base for balance. The bulb rests screw side up and at roughly a 45-degree angle. A straw is inserted through the screw base opening for drinkability.

It is definitely a novel way of serving a drink! There is a certain sense of "otherness" that will appeal to a younger generation. An older drinker, more settled in his or her ways, is less likely to venture into a cocktail bar that steers away from tradition. Peculiarities such as this will draw in a certain type of crowd as well. Twenty-somethings with a firm eye on partying will not place much importance on nuances like these, but a more creative personality type will appreciate the thoughtfulness.

Often times we look to redesigns to improve on a concept but this take on a drink cup was made purely for aesthetic. There is little practicality to this design -- the size of the bulb is small so it can't hold as much as a standard glass could; pouring the drink is made more difficult due to the size of the cup's opening; and the glass, if made from the same glass as a regular household bulb, is more fragile than traditional drink cups. It is an interesting idea but ultimately not very effective for drinking. 

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