Sunday, January 25, 2015


The majority of families in the United States have a dinner table in their home. It is a basic piece of furniture that remained mostly the same over time. Yes, they are made in different styles with different materials, in different sizes, in different colors or finishes. The general idea, however, has remained the same: a flat surface sitting atop four legs. 

Artist/designer Sebastian Errazuriz created a dinner table in tribute to his grandmother who always made sure to have a bowl of fresh fruit out. Errazuriz's concept makes the fruit bowl an actual part of the table. A concave carving in the center of the plywood tabletop acts as the fruit bowl. The carving is deep enough to comfortably hold the contents of a medium-sized fruit bowl without fear of pieces rolling out and across the table. While the idea of a fruit bowl has never seemed particularly problematic, having one incorporated into the table seems a clever option. It is in an area of the table that is not used to eat from so it does not negatively impact the dining experience. In fact, the "bowl" can be used for placing a main course or even for decorative centerpieces. 

The fruit bowl table offers a good alternative to the traditional table without being so out of the ordinary that it isolates people with more traditional design sensibilities. It might benefit from a sort of lid for the bowl indentation if an occasion arises when a fully even surface is necessary.

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