Sunday, February 22, 2015


The Popcorn Monsoon is very much like a traditional popcorn air popper. The appliance heats the kernels of popcorn to a point that they explode to create the tasty, edible snack. It is not a new process, but it has been given a facelift. The redesign gives the air popper a look that would fit in well in a laboratory. There are two similar sized yellow containers on either side of a small gray platform. One of the containers is the heating end, where the kernels get popped. The energy from the popping action shoots the popcorn up a transparent tubing that then curves downward over the opposite container. This container is just to catch the popcorn and to be used as a small bowl from which to snack. The tubing is secured by a long metal stick with a hooped end which the tubing is inserted through. There is another small, much thinner tube that sprouts out of the main tube near the heating container. This is where corn kernels are poured in using a matching yellow scoop. Once the kernels have been deposited, a small cork is fitted in the entry point.

It is interesting how something as simple as giving an old idea a new shape can make a traditional appliance appealing once again. The design of the air popper is reminiscent of the seemingly scientific process used to make coffee in an episode of the TV series Breaking Bad.

The popper is much less intricate than the coffee maker in Breaking Bad but the transparent tubing and metal accents give it a similar aesthetic.

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