Sunday, February 1, 2015


The smoke alarm is an object we are all accustomed to seeing in our homes. Generally, they exist in the background, drawing no attention except for when it is serving its purpose of alerting us of a potential fire. Because it is a device whose purpose is purely preventive, we have chosen not to highlight its presence in our homes. As a result, most smoke alarms come in a standard circular shape and its color almost always white. Recently, Finnish company Jalo Helsinki released a line of smoke alarms that offers something different in the market.

The Jalo alarms come in various colors which definitely veers off the beaten path as far as smoke alarms go. The options are a surprise -- available in green, pink, black, and more standard gray and white -- being that we typically don't look up twice at the benign objects on our ceiling. Even more interesting than their color is their shape. The smoke alarms are made in the form of a moth, the ugly step-sister to the butterfly. It has been suggested that the idea behind the moth shape is a tip of the hat to moths predilection to fire. Some may appreciate the whimsy, but how often do we stop and marvel when we come across a real moth? A more common reaction is that of annoyance.

I believe credit is due for the attempt at uniqueness; however, this particular concept reminds me of the old refrain: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." A beautiful chandelier it is not.

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