Sunday, March 8, 2015


The Drop Rest Mug, designed by Kim Keun Ae, is a white ceramic coffee mug with a simple added element to improve its use. The new feature is a thin crevice that wraps around the entire mug. The crevice sits at about an inch and a half from the bottom, just above where the lower ear of the mug attaches.

The fine indentation acts like a small gutter to gather any droplets that may slide down the mug's exterior. This prevents the coffee from hitting tabletops which can damage some surfaces. It also makes it a little safer to work and drink at the same time. The mug can be rested over paperwork with a lessened likelihood of leaving a coffee ring stain on your documents. It does nothing to prevent spills, but it certainly helps with the minor drips we're accustomed to when sipping on coffee.

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