Saturday, March 14, 2015


The Hovding Airbag Helmet was developed in Sweden by two industrial design students. Cyclists themselves, the two students sought an alternative to cumbersome hard-shell helmets. Their idea was to employ an airbag system akin to that of cars. The Hovding collar is worn around the neck like a brace made of what its website calls "waterproof functional fabric." Inside the brace is the deflated airbag. When deployed, the airbag fills with air, wrapping itself around the user's head with the exception of the facial area. The collar contains sensors that monitor changes in speed, angle and other factors that would indicate an accident is about to occur. When the sensors are alerted, the airbag deploys and fills in a tenth of a second.

The set-it-and-forget-it quality of the Hovding makes it enticing to regular cyclists. The collar weighs only 1.5 lbs and zips in the front, and once it's on it just quietly rests on your shoulders until needed. Its website boasts that, in addition to being convenient, the Hovding is among the safest helmets on the market. That may well be true when the Hovding is in full form but there are too many variables that might impede its efficacy. The system relies on its sensors being functional when an accident happens. Anyone with a car knows that sometimes sensors fail. There is no way to know that the sensors are working and calibrated, unfortunately. The collar is rechargeable and its battery life is good, but everyone has at one point or another forgotten to charge a device. This is a minor inconvenience when it's a cell phone or music player, but when it is a device intended to save your life you had better hope you don't forget. There is also the possibility that the airbag snags on a purse strap or scarf and is unable to fully protect the cyclists head before impact. Certain hairstyles -- a mohawk, for example -- can keep it from deploying successfully as well. It's true that a mohawk would not work in a traditional helmet either but at least you know what to expect.

All variables aside, the Hovding is a great concept assuming it works in the event that it's needed. The biggest drawback is its prohibitive cost. At $525, it is not an easily justifiable purchase for most people. It can be used for years and years on a daily basis, making it a worthwhile investment, but it can also deploy on first use. Once activated, the airbag cannot be reused. All of a sudden that hardshell looks pretty good.

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